
Friday, October 16, 2015

TK Spotlight Technique Take 2

For this months Thomas Kinkade Tutorial Kristine has taken last months Spotlight Technique Tutorial  to the next level and add color to it.

To start, stamp image with Memento Tuxedo Black ink and let dry.


Use a punch or die to punch out a small shape out of the image.


Color the piece that you punched out with whatever medium you wish.
I used Spectrum Noir Markers for mine.  

Back the colored panel with a slightly larger cardstock panel and then adhere it to the card matching it up with the original picture. Then create your card as usual.


The sentiment on the Make a Wish Cottage card above is from Ornamental Beauty.

I used a sentiment from Script Essential Expressions for the Light of Peace Card.  

I am hoping to work on a full coloring video tutorial next month...we'll see how it goes.
You can see my past Thomas Kinkade tutorial's HERE.

Thanks for stopping by!


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