
Monday, July 24, 2017

Designer Highlight: Angji Pruente

Hello Riley fans! It's time for another editon of Designer Highlight! This month the designer being featured is yours truly. So, take it away, me!


Hello everyone! This month it is my turn to be featured on the Riley & CO blog for the July edition of Designer Highlight.

For my project, I decided to make a Riley clock! I had a vague idea of what I wanted it to look like but nothing concrete. I even spent some time shopping around for blank clock bases to decorate and then smacked myself for buying something when I could MAKE it instead!

So, I grabbed some black medium weight chipboard from my stash and started scouring the house for a bowl big enough to make the largest circle possible. 

Once I had two bases cut out, I glued them together using scor-tape and wet adhesive. This bad boy isn't coming apart any time soon.

After I had my bases drying under some heavy books, I started making a clock template out of some "ugly" scrapbook paper. 

Once I had my circle cut out, I folded it into quarters and googled the angles between hours on a clock. The answer is 30 degrees. So, now I have a clock template. Also, be sure to cut the tip off of your folded up clock so you have a center point hole. 

(I tried to be fancy by folding my circle several times thinking that would get the correct angles and I wouldn't have to measure anything....wrong!)

Once I had my angles figured out, it was time to start decorating! Again, I still didn't have a theme picked out other than "It's 5 O'clock somewhere!" so when my best friend was over cropping she had the idea to make it beach themed. Score! Now I was off and running on a theme. Thanks Theresa!

With a theme in mind, I grabbed several Riley stamps and settled on Toasting Riley, Martini Riley, Floating Riley, Cheers Riley & It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere!

After several hours, much fussy cutting and clock mechanism assembly, I have a Riley clock! Isn't is great? I giggle everytime I look at it!

I am sending this clock to the Head Moose, Tanya soon. Maybe you will see it in the Riley booth in the near future! 

I hope you enjoyed my project. I had a blast making it and I think I will be making more clocks in the future. Winter is coming. :)

Before you go! Here are a few of my favorite projects that I made recently and wanted to share. Have a great week!

There you have it! Your July edition of Designer Highlight! Have a great week!



  1. What a brilliant 5:00 clock LOL!!!!! 5:00 every single hour!!! Riley so rocks, and so do all of your creations ♥
